Declaring a 7 week Prophetic Week of the in-gathering
Back in 1979, I had an open vision where I saw huge heaps of harvest of grains like sand dunes. I saw the birds of the air having a free day devouring this harvest. In the vision I saw an elderly woman trying to chase away the birds but as she went in one direction, the birds went the other. I saw this woman remove her head gear (gele) and tied her wrapper up her bras using her head tie to chase the birds but all to no avail.
This woman was labouring to preserve this harvest and sweating from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet, I started crying and sobbing profusely and uncontrollably, saying, but who will help this woman. I was openly, physically weeping and sobbing in that prayer meeting – people around me must be wondering what had gone wrong. In a moment in the same open vision, I saw a line up of activities: I saw some people putting the grains into bags, I saw others sewing the mouth of the bags and I saw others carrying the bags on their backs in to the barn (store). Then I breathed a sigh of relief.
I saw spread across the huge harvest a dirty and rumpled cloth banner on which was inscribed:”AFRICA”, then I asked but who is the woman and the spirit of God said:” this is Jerusalem, the mother of you all.
This was one of the most awesome visionary encounters of my life.
This vision paints a most graphic picture of what this feast of ingathering is all about. It is not just about gathering people to accept Christ, but much more about securing their souls by bringing them into the store house – the Church.
It is clear from this vision that the harvest is not secure in the field – until it is brought to the store house.
The church is the spiritual store house (mal 3:10), where the souls of men are preserved (Ps84:9).
You will recall that on May 4, 1994, I had another divine encounter which culminated in the mission to Africa. The Spirit of God said to me loud and clear: “the harvest of Africa is now overripe, rush in and preserve it from decadence”. Ingathering is the only way to preserve this overripe harvest.
Jesus also speaking on this note said “…..the field is white with harvest; he that reapeth recieveth wages and gathereth fruits unto eternal life…..”(Jn4:35-36).
Jesus is committed to the ingathering of the harvest for that is the only way to preserve the harvest.
Again Jesus said: “….I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should abide…” (Jn15:16)
Bearing fruits is therefore not enough; we are responsible for ensuring that the fruits are preserved.
Therefore the blessing of soul winning is in the ingathering. Your wages are not paid on the souls won, but on the souls that abide. (Jn4:35-36, 15:16)
You cannot be paid for the fish you catch and drop back in to the sea, until the fish gets to the market; you are not qualified to be paid.
Every winner must be ingathering conscious all through these 7 weeks.
Leading men to Christ is not enough; we must ensure the harvest ends up in the spiritual store house – the church.
It is our prophetic season of ingathering of souls – the souls are waiting all around us.
Jesus said all we need to do is to lift up our eyes and look in the field for they are white unto harvest (Jn4:35)
Twelve souls in 7 weeks cannot be a problem with all the human contact we make per week.
Think of how many people call you on the phone that need Jesus. Think of how many come to you for help in one area or another. They are simply asking you show us your helper; take us to your healer; show us your deliverer; and take us to your provider!
You are the spiritual life line the multitudes are looking up to in your neighborhood, your shop, your business centre etc.
It is therefore important to see beyond the sufferings of the people around you and see their need for the savior.
The opportunities are unlimited; it is our spiritual sensitivity that needs to be boosted!
It’s high time we begin to lift up our eyes and see the endless opportunities to bring men to church all around us!
Among the wages of this feast of ingathering is an open-cheque prayer access.
“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you” (Jn 15:16.)
What an open-cheque this is – covering everything and anything that life may ever demand:
Your deliverance, your miracle jobs, your miracle marriages, children, just name it.
May these 7 weeks of ingathering become a memorable season in your life with undeniable testimonies of supernatural breakthroughs.
Once again, welcome to your season of breakthrough unlimited as declared by the spirit of the lord.
Jesus is lord.
Bishop David O. Oyedepo
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