Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ and may grace and peace continue to abide with you all forever, Amen.
The Month of May has been a most fruitful Month for us in the Winners' family with the tangible outpouring of the Spirit of Faith in our midst. A lot of testimonies have been shared in our various churches and I believe that many more are on the way coming, to God be all the glory.
Remember, this is our year of manifestation and in this month, we shall be pressing into another realm of supernatural manifestation by the operation of the Spirit of Wisdom.
I believe that creation is definitely the mother of all supernatural manifestations. (Gal. 1:1-31).
"And God said, let there be... and God saw everything that God said and behold, it was very good"
But the Bible asserts severally that creation is a product of the wisdom of God:
"The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens" (Proverbs 3:19)
Again, the Word says:
"O Lord, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all; the earth is full of thy riches" (Psalm 104:24)
We saw how Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, subdued the Nation of Babylon, by the operation of the Spirit of Wisdom. (Daniel 1:17, 3:1-28,6:1-23)
Joseph also ruled Egypt by the manifestation of the Spirit of Wisdom. (Gen. 41:38-44, Ps. 105:17-22)
It is also clear that divine wisdom is a principal requirement for the end time church. Why?
The end time church is a reigning church. (Isaiah 2:1-3, Micah 4:1-2, Zech. 8:20-23, Ps. 110:1-3)
The Bible further asserts that it is by wisdom that kings reign and princes decree justice. (Prov. 8:15)
Therefore, divine wisdom is the only way to reign on the earth and rule in the midst of our enemies. (Luke 21:15, Eph. 3:8-11)
It is therefore obvious that we cannot fulfill the end time prophesy of reigning on the earth and in the midst of our enemies without the baptism of the spirit of wisdom.
The Seven Spirits of God at work in scriptures are essentially the spirit of wisdom and power. (Rev. 3:1, Rev. 5:6, Isaiah 11:1-3)
This is why Christ is said to be the wisdom and the power of God. (1Cor. 1:24)
What then is Wisdom?
Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do and doing it. (Mathew 7:24-28)
Wisdom is knowing the right step to take and taking it. (John 6:6)
Wisdom is knowing the right thing to say and saying it. (Lk. 21:15)
No wonder the Bible says ‘Wisdom is the Principal Thing'. (Prov. 4:7)
Therefore, the prophetic theme for the month of June 2009 is
From the above verse of scripture, divine wisdom is validated by mighty works. This month shall be marking the beginning of an era of mighty works in our families, businesses, career and in the church.
My prayer is that we shall all open up with a genuine thirst and longing of the heart for the outpouring of the Spirit of Wisdom from above this month.
I welcome you all to the beginning of another era of supernatural manifestations by the operation of the Sprit of Wisdom.
Recommended Books for the month authored by Dr. David O. Oyedepo include:
The Wisdom that works
Walking in Wisdom
Winning Wisdom
Creating a New Beginning (by Bishop David Abioye)
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo
Note: This epistle is to be read during the Wednesday Service (3rd June) and also in the course of the Alnight service on Friday 5th June, 2009, respectively.
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