Prophetic Focus for January 2011
Once again I welcome every member of the Winners family worldwide into 2011 our year of Breakthrough Unlimited. And may this be the testimony of everyone of us this year in Jesus’ name. Amem and Amen
According to scriptures, every child of God is:
* Born into a world of no-limit
Jhn. 14:12, 1 Jhn. 4:17, Mrk. 9:23, Mrk. 10:27, Deut. 28:1-13, Matt. 5:17
* Born for topmost top
Rev. 22:16 (Jn 17:18), Dan. 12:3 (Matt. 11:19, 1Cor. 2:16), 1Kng. 4: 29-34(Matt. 12:42, Jhn. 17:18)
* Has an heritage of unending progress in life
Prov. 4:18 (1 Cor. 5:21), 2 Cor. 3:18 (2 Cor. 5:21)
* His breakthrough as a seed of Abraham is as far as his eyes can see
Gen. 13:14-15, Ish. 51:1-3, Ps. 199:18, Rev. 3:17-18 ( Eph. 1:17-18, Eph. 3: 8-11 )
From all the above, every child of God is ordained to live in a world of no-limit.
But as it was with Christ, even though He was conscious with His mission from the age of twelve, yet He could not deliver His mandate until He was empowered by the Spirit. (Lk. 4:14-27, 37).
Therefore, our Golden Destiny in this Golden Age of the Church cannot be fully realized without the empowerment of the Spirit.
The Disciples were also under the teaching and mentorship of Christ for three and halve years, yet Jesus commanded them not to embark on their mission until they are endued with power from on high (Lk. 24:49, Acts. 1:8 ). And after the empowerment of the Holy Ghost, they began to command unstoppable breakthrough ( Act. 2:1-41, 42-47, Act. 4:4, Act. 5:14, Act. 6:7 )
From all the above, it is evident supernatural breakthrough is impossible for any believer without the ministry of the Holy Ghost at work.
But Why ?, You may ask. This is because all the forces of Supernatural Breakthrough are embedded in the Holy Ghost. (1Cor. 16:9, Lk. 10:19, Ps. 89:20-24, Ps. 105:13-15, Ezk. 37:1-14, Num. 11:31-33)
Therefore, the Prophetic Focus for January 2011 is:
Not By Power nor by Might – Zech. 4:1-6
Everyone is hereby admonished to get set for a definite encounter with the power of God this month.
God will be launching His people into higher realms of the Spirit. Everyone will be scaling new height in the Holy Ghost – Ezek. 47:-10
Recommended books authored by David O. Oyedepo
* Anointing for Breakthrough
* Understanding the Anointing
* Anointing for Exploits
* Release of Power
See you at the topmost top in this awesome year of UNLIMITED BREAKTHROUGH
Congratulations ! Congratulation !! Congratulations !!!
David O. Oyedepo
Faith Tabernacle,
Canaanland, Ota