Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Without any doubt we have experienced the eruption of signs and wonders all through the month of February, but the good news is that this is only the beginning.
For instance in the month of February we saw the largest church planting endeavour in the history of this ministry till date with over 400 churches planted across the length and breadth of Nigeria in one month! To our God alone be all the glory.
But where is the Spirit of the Lord taking us to this month? We know that we serve a God of pre-ordination; a God of predestination, who always knows the end from the beginning. (Is. 46:9-10). We also understand from scriptures that everyone that is born again is in God's pre-ordination for salvation.
As it is written "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." -Rms. 8:29-30.
This is what qualifies every child of God to be called a child of destiny. In addition every child of God has a glorious destiny in Christ. (See also II Pet. 1:3). The question then is; why is not every believer living a glorious life?
As I have said over and again, every provision of scriptures has conditions to be met before they can be accessed! As free as salvation is, we must repent before we can be saved. (Acts 2:37-38) We also know that until faith is in place healing is not in view. (Matt. 9:27-29). So also a glorious destiny carries a cost for delivery. Just like that man asked Jesus? What shall I do to inherit eternal life? (Mk. 10:17).
There is what to do to inherit any of God's plan and purpose for one's life. Jesus gave him the answer and went further to show him the one barrier between him and his inheritance. He said "one thing thou lackest.........." (Mk 10:21). I pray that we shall all see whatever things may be standing between us and our glorious destiny this month in Jesus name.
As I have said earlier, salvation is a proof that you are a child of destiny. (Eph. 1:5, 11-12). But from the teaching of Jesus on the vine and the branches as recorded in John 15:1-16, we discover that the security of the destiny of any branch is in abiding in the vine.
However, consecration is a requirement for anyone to abide in God's presence. (Ps. 15:1-5, 24:3-4). Jesus was abiding in the love of the father because he did those things that pleased God always. (John 8:29).We must be committed to living a consecrated life if we must abide in the vine. (John 15:3)
Secondly, we must be fruit bearing, that is committed to winning the lost or we stand the risk of being cut off. (John 15:2). We are chosen to go forth and bring fruits and that our fruits should abide. (John 15:16).
Thirdly, to fulfill our glorious destiny we must be planted in the house of God under our own God-ordained shepherds. "Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God". -Ps. 92:13.
It is also written "And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land..."-Jer. 3:15-16. (See also Is. 30:20-21).
You are sure to fulfill destiny as you abide in your God appointed place of worship and under your God ordained pastor. (II Sam 7:10). This is why every truly abiding winner is a winning winner!!!.
With the application of these three factors here listed, everyone can fulfill his destiny in a grand style.
All these are non-negotiable factors in our quest to fulfill a glorious destiny. No one in the Winners family shall return without at least one soul brought into the kingdom this month. Some of us shall have a whole family follow us to know Jesus. It is indeed our harvest time in the Winners' family this month.
I believe that the Glory of God on our lives shall attract multitudes to Jesus. (Zech. 8:20-23). Therefore, the prophetic theme for the month of March 2010 is;
I am a child of destiny. (Rms. 8:29-30).
Recommended books for the month include:
Walking in the newness of life
Maximised destiny
Possessing your possession
All you need to have all your needs met
There shall be supernatural recovery and restoration of destinies this month in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
Jesus is Lord!
David O Oyedepo