November 2009-Come And See My Zeal For The Lord. 2nd Kings 10:16
I believe God with every Winner that all the blessings contacted in the month of October shall remain an ever continuing experience in every one’s life. Amen
The month of November is here and God has something special in stock for every one of us. Remember the bible says, the steadfast love of the lord never cease; His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. (Lam 3:21-22)
May heavens agenda for this month of November add greater value to every one of us.
In this new month, we shall be focusing on the subject of consecration.
What is consecration?
• Consecration is essentially about being separated unto God (Joshua 24:15)
• It is the pursuit of the heart of God. (Psalm 63:8)
• It is letting God occupy the centre of one’s heart.(Proverbs 23:26)
• It is given God the first place in one’s life. (Mathew 6:33)
• It is the inner reverence and adoration for God. (Isa.29:13)
• It is the heart-borne desire to always please God above all else. (Ph.1:21, Rms. 8:35-38)
• It is the hot love of God in the inner man. (Rev.3:16)
No wonder the bible asserts; love is the fulfilling of the law, (Romans 13:10).
The love of God in a man’s heart is therefore the platform for true consecration.
‘It is not just saying I love you Lord’ or singing the love of God, it is living it out. (1 John 3:17, 18).
The love of God without proofs is fake (I John 4:20, 21).
Here are some of the biblical proofs of the love of God.
If you love God:
• You will love His word, (I Samuel 13:14,Ps. 119:97-100)
• You will love His house – Fellowship, (Psalm 122, Psalm 84 and Psalm 132)
• You will obey Him, (John 14:21)
• You will love to give, (1 John 3:18, 1 Ch 29:3-6)
• You will love your neighbor, (I John 4:20-2)
• You will believe Him on all issues, (I Cor. 13:7)
• You will praise Him at all times (Psalm 34:1,Ps 119)
You cannot love God and not be zealous for Him. Love can be defined as the emotional display of pleasure in or toward another .The emotional aspect of love is what we call zeal .The zeal of God cannot consume a man without tangible proofs to show. (John 2:13-19).
Further more we know from scriptures that every thing works by faith (Mark 9:23). But faith it self works by love. (Gal 5:6). It follows therefore that everything works by love. (Mathew 22:36-40, 1 Cor. 13:1-8)
Why is it a most powerful and awesome force?
• It makes you unbeatable (I John 4:16)
• It makes you untouchable (James 2:23, Gen. 14:17)
• It makes you unstoppable (Ps. 24:7-10, Ps. 114:1-9)
• It makes you unmolestable (Eph. 2:19)
• It makes you indestructible (Dan.3:21-28)
What then is the love of God?
• It saying an eternal no to Satan and eternal yes to God. (Daniel 3:1-28, Dan 6:1-23).
• It is saying an eternal no to self and eternal yes to God. (Roman 8:35-38 Phil.1:21)
• It is Saying Eternal No to The World and eternal Yes to God. (I John 2:15-17)
Therefore what God does or does not do should not be what makes Him your God. God must remain your God what He does or does not do notwithstanding. This is the kind of love that moves God to do exceedingly and abundantly above what you ask or think. (Eph.3:20, I Cor. 2:9)
As the year begins to wind up God is asking us in the Winners’ family to proof the sincerity of our love for Him. Therefore the prophetic theme of the month is
“Come and see my zeal for the lord.” 2king 10: 16.
Recommend books of the month authored by me include:
1. All you need to have all your need met
2. Walking in the Newness of Life
3. Understanding the Power of Praise
4. Walking in he Miraculous
Brethren, the month of November is a month to watch; Gods manifestation agenda for your life must have full expression this time. And Jesus said … He that loves me will be loved of my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him. (John 14:21)
I see your light breaking forth as the morning.
Again the theme of the month is “come and see my zeal for the Lord”. (2 Kings 10:16)
Remain ever blessed!
David O.Oyedepo